Our latest poll for the Irish Daily Mail reveals a decline in support for the two larger parties with some voters returning to support for independents and small parties.
Compared to our previous poll Fianna Fáil are down 4 per cent, Fine Gael are down 3 per cent, Sinn Féin are up 1 per cent, Labour are down 1 per cent, AAA-PBP are down 1 per cent, Social Democrats are up two per cent, and independents and other are up 5. Support for the Green party remains unchanged.
Ireland Thinks interviewed a random sample of 1,200 adults aged 18+ by telephone (80 er cent mobile) between Monday 27th February and Friday 3rd March 2017. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results weighted to the profile of all adults based on their Age, Gender, Social Demographic Group, Region, and Level of Educational attainment. The data was weighted to fit the profile of likely voters as drawn from voter propensity data from actual electoral data. To minimise non-response bias the poll was limited at 15 questions to maximise the likelihood of completion. All non-responses were called 3 times to minimise non-response
For further information please contact info@irelandthinks.ie